Monday, February 16, 2015

Flying Jew Radio

Truth be told I started writing this blog last week. I sat down to write and I didn't know how to say everything I wanted to say. I was going to give up and then I spoke with Joey this morning and he convinced me to give it another shot. As I write this I find myself writing and then re-writing sentences. I should explain why this is so important to me.

For the past 15 months I have been doing nothing except podcasting. My entire professional life has turned into me talking into a microphone. It is all I think about. And if you asked Paula, it is most of what I talk about, which I'm sure at this point is more than just a little annoying. The truth is I have nothing else. I cannot fail. 15 months out of television editing is the same as 15 years. Even if I wanted to go back I'd have to go back to where I started when I moved out here more than 4 years ago. All of that aside, I don't want to go back. I love everything about podcasting. I love the guests I meet and the conversations I have.

All I've ever heard or experienced is that no one likes their job. It's something you have to do to pay the bills and there is no use complaining because everyone does it. The most you can hope for is finding a boss who you don't hate and eventually make enough money that you can have and do fun things in your time away from the office. When I was editing that was my life. I woke up every day with a pit in my stomach. Even though I was making good money and had a good job, I hated where I was going. I don't know if it was depression, but I certainly wasn't happy. For the past 15 months I have loved every second of what I do. My family and friends might not understand why I gave up a high paying job, and I might even have dark moments when I question it. But when it comes down to it I wouldn't change my decision.

The time has come for me to branch out and let you, the listener, know more about me. The Church Of What's Happening Now is one side of me. I get stoned out of my mind on edibles with Joey and I laugh more in one night than most do in a week. There is more to me than that. I think my podcasting strength lies in the questions I ask rather than the jokes I make. That will be the focus of Flying Jew Radio. I will be lucky enough to have some very funny comedians as guests, but my goal is to talk to them more about their journey. I will also be talking with actors, other podcasters, law students, and anyone who has an interesting journey. I want to to talk to people who have experience in their field, so that young people listening can learn from them and follow in their footsteps and maybe avoid some of their mistakes. I want to talk to young people who are already successful and see what their plan is for continuing on that path. This podcast will undoubtedly evolve, but that is where I see it going at this point. This podcast will not be The Church Of What's Happening Now. My hope is to let you into my chubby jewish world. I hope you enjoy it.

I will be releasing my first podcast today, February 16, 2015. From now on I plan on alternating weekly between podcast episodes and blog posts, which can be found here. I appreciate you listening and reading and I look forward to taking this journey with you.

My podcast can be found here:


  1. Can't wait! You have an amazing sense on what to ask a guest in the moment. No canned interviews. You know how to keep the conversation moving without talking over the guests. You are going to do great.

  2. good for you my brother. I shall be listening. POWERFUL LEE LEE.

  3. Sounds like a good idea sir! Looking foward to it. Don't give up!

  4. I can relate. It seems insane be pulled towards something that that you're not (yet) good at or is financially stable, but the most important thing is being happy with your own actions and path.

    When I first listened to the Church I was like "Huh, who the hell is this guy?" Now if you were to call in sick I would be pissed. :) Keep doing your thing and you'll be fine.

  5. Hey Lee! I just finished listening to the current Church podcast featuring Matt Fulchiron.I am happy to hear that you are continuing your blog and putting out your own podcast. I could relate to the sense of apprehension you felt, I myself have my own blog which I started in August 2014. It took encouragement from my boyfriend and of course listening to you and Joey for me to finally step out and put myself out there. Joey and Matt are correct, "doing something is better than doing nothing". I am so happy for you and I wish the best on your blog and podcast.
